April 2024 Color of the Month & Energy Reading

If you’ll recall, 2024’s theme is Refocus; we’re choosing for ourselves what we’ll allow in our spaces and energetic fields. A couple months ago, we explored all that influences our lives and our life visions. We considered all we say ‘yes’ to — plus faced what we may be inadvertently saying yes to by handing…

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Make & Take – Vibrant Life Vision Book

Make a visual reminder to help stay focused on what matters most, wrap it in a ribbon and take away a present to yourself! Say goodbye to boring vision boards! Make a simple, portable and unique collaged accordion book to serve as a beautiful reminder of your life vision, dreams and values. In this playful, out-of-the…

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February 2022 Color of the Month & Energy Reading

The timing is right to confidently engage your vibrant life visions & plans.   Wondering how this February 2022 forecast came to be? Our energy readings easily flow from a blend of several methods and practices I use nearly every single day, such as energy healing, Divine & angelic guidance and color theory.   Your February…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of October 25, 2021

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of October 25, 2021 Wow, look back at the past month and how far you’ve come!  Use the energy of our color of the week to help bring additional awareness to the present moment while aligning with new sensations and spontaneous experiences. For all the details, listen…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of September 21, 2020

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of September 21, 2020  Last week we spoke about releasing negative thoughts, attitudes and energies, particularly those at work in your Heart area and relationships. For some, this may feel like uncharted territory as you’re realizing major shifts. For others, it feels like sweet relief long in the…

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The Law of Thinking

Thoughts are things, and sometimes I look around & wonder, “What was I thinking?!?” I’m kidding about this, but I did spend a lot of time today THINKING. In some areas of my life, I’m not seeing the results I want. Sure, there are lessons all around, but I sometimes feel stuck. I’ve learned so…

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