June 2024 Color of the Month & Energy Reading

Our Life Containers have been in focus, and we see we have the power to fill them as we desire. They are like terrariums we can rework, arrange and grow as we like. As we change, they can change. Our vibrant life visions may evolve, so to our Life Containers supporting these visions. Wondering how this…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of May 27, 2024

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of May 27, 2024 To live a vibrant life or not? It’s Your Prerogative! To paraphrase a similar song: You don’t need permission, you can make your own decisions. You can do what you want to do and live your life! Whether it’s vibrant and vibrantly lived,…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of May 20, 2024

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of May 20, 2024 In our month’s forecast, we talked about our Life Containers and the sand that usually ends up taking more space than we’d like. That’s the small stuff, the daily grit vying for our attention and attempting to take over our time. This week, consider…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of May 13, 2024

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of May 13, 2024 If we were future-focused with our growth last week, this week we’re asked to acknowledge current situations, relationships and experiences, expressing gratitude for all we’re being, doing and having. Appreciation begets more to be appreciative of. If you were seeking clarity around your…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of May 6, 2024

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of May 6, 2024 We spoke of appreciating the past and all its lessons. Let’s realize how we are now building upon experiences and lessons we’ll reflect back upon in the future!    What does this inspire you to do today and this week? What might you…

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May 2024 Color of the Month & Energy Reading

Self-judgment. It’s something we all come face-to-face with at some point, in some capacity. Where does yours rear its head most often? In criticism of your past, present or future? Are you holding on to who you used to be, or all you did or didn’t do? Are you critical of where you are now,…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of April 29, 2024

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of April 29, 2024 Our month’s energy has invited us to Play with a Purpose. What purposes have you discovered through play? What choices have you made? What have you said ‘yes’ to? What are you now saying ‘no’ to? What resources have you discovered? What values…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of April 22, 2024

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of April 22, 2024 There is great potential in play. It has the power to engage and reward your mind, to enliven and stimulate your heart, to move and stretch your body. It helps you tap into hidden resources, generate new ideas and align with possibilities. Play…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of April 15, 2024

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of April 15, 2024 We’re bringing your focus back to this line of April’s forecast: “Play with a Purpose as  you intentionally choose joy and explore what you might enjoy.” In other words, C’mon, Get Happy! Yes, that’s what popped in, so we’re going with it! How…

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