May 2024 Color of the Month & Energy Reading
Self-judgment. It’s something we all come face-to-face with at some point, in some capacity. Where does yours rear its head most often? In criticism of your past, present or future? Are you holding on to who you used to be, or all you did or didn’t do? Are you critical of where you are now, feeling not enough or far enough along? Or are you judging all you yet desire, feeling unworthy, undeserving, or afraid of actually realizing your dreams?
Wondering how this May 2024 forecast came to be? Our energy readings easily flow from a blend of several methods and practices I use nearly every single day, such as energy healing, Divine & angelic guidance and color theory.
Your May 2024 Color of the Month & Energy Reading
This is a month to believe in yourself and to believe in your wishes and dreams. To appreciate the past and all its lessons; to acknowledge your current situations, relationships and experiences and express gratitude for all you are being, doing and having. Our Kaleidoscopes and Life Containers are in focus, drawing attention to our foundations in life.
You’ve likely heard the story about the jars of life. The way I heard it told involved a professor standing before his classroom with an empty jar, which he then filled with rocks. Asking if the jar was now full, most of his students affirmed it was. He then took out a container of pebbles and poured them into the jar, filling in the spaces between the rocks. Again, when asked if the jar was now full, students affirmed indeed, it was now full. Then the professor pulls out a container of sand and begins pouring it into the jar, even more spaces in between the rocks and pebbles revealed as the sand found its way into those gaps.
The professor then shares how the jar is a metaphor for life, with the rocks representing the most important things in life — the seven areas of our Kaleidoscopes, that which we most truly value. The pebbles are things that matter to us yet may come and go, not ultimately essential to our overall experience of a vibrant life. The sand represents the small stuff in life, that daily grit, the things that call for our attention and attempt to make themselves a priority by filling our time, oftentimes unnecessarily!
So what does your Life Container look like? Is it full of sand with little room for pebbles, and even less for the rocks?
Build your foundations in life upon the rocks, that which is most important to your experience of a vibrant life in each area of your Kaleidoscope. Hopefully after our Play with a Purpose theme in April, you’ll include play time! Scrutinize past jars, rocks, pebbles and sand. View current jars through your vibrancy lens. Clearly see the jar you’ll fill next based on all you’ve learned, appreciate and embrace.
Color of the Month – Secure Blue
Use our Color of the Month, Secure Blue, to help as you attend to your container and foundations in life. Secure your vision with rocks of importance. Solidly build upon it with pebbles of playful possibilities and preferences. Sprinkle in sand intentionally chosen and scheduled (like binging the new season your fave show!).
Allow our color to help you focus, prioritize and redirect. Build upon your life foundations as you boost your belief in yourself, your wishes and dreams!
A Note About Colors Specified
Colors selected to represent the energy of each month and each week of the year are Sherwin Williams colors. Their architectural and design palette has been my go-to for years! You see the color above, along with the Sherwin Williams paint code plus the RGB and hex code equivalent values. This helps if you’d like to use our colors in your physical spaces or on your digital screens as you fill your Life Containers this month.
Here’s to living a vibrant life!