It’s Time To Make Selling Fun Again

Take the Icky & Scary Out of SalesYes, it’s time to make selling fun, and Hugh Liddle, THE Sales Wizard at Red Cap Sales Coaching and the Elite Sales Academy, is here to help!

Learning to be great at selling your product or service is really a matter of getting a grasp on a set of skills and (even more importantly) attitudes that can easily be taught and learned.

Regarding attitudes, there are three mindsets that are essential if  you want to be consistently successful in sales.

  1. You MUST believe 100% in yourself, your company and your product or service.
  2. You must understand what your job is, and what it isn’t in selling.
  3. You must have your intention and focus in the right place

As far as skills are concerned, you must know what to say, how to say it and when to say it.

  1. Stop doing sales presentations and start having sales conversations
  2. Listening is the greatest skill you can develop in your selling
  3. 8 steps in the sales conversation

Having a good handle on these three essentials will remove the icky and scary out of selling, so it can be easy, fun and profitable for you AND for your prospective customers or clients!


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Hugh LiddleAbout our Guest

Hugh Liddle is THE Sales Wizard at Red Cap Sales Coaching and Elite Sales Academy, where you can learn to make selling easy, fun and profitable.  Hugh’s sales training and coaching comes from over 44 years of in-the-field sales and sales management experience, so you get real life experience from his teaching, not just something out of a textbook.  Hugh is the author of Take the Icky and Scary Out of Sales, which is available in paperback or Kindle versions at  He’s also a radio talk show host on Blog Talk Radio every Tuesday night at 8:00 PM EST.

When Hugh isn’t teaching salespeople, he’s home in Sebring, Florida with his wife, Priscilla, Jasmine the dog and Mooch and Minnie the cats.  He plays guitar and bass, sings, writes music and records it.  He also enjoys reading and watching Shark Tank on Saturday mornings!

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Show Resources

  • sales-wizard-3-300x223Schedule a conversation with Hugh: If you visit, click on the little wizard in the upper right hand corner, you can complete a quick 5-minute survey and then have a fun, friendly 45-minute conversation with a Red Cap Sales coach about YOUR business and YOUR sales.  There’s no cost and absolutely  no pressure or obligation ever!
  • Elite Sales Academy: Hugh has a brand new 24 module online sales training program available.  It’s 24 modules of video and written lessons on effective selling, time/task management and selling to people who are different than you are.  It’s awesome training for the brand new salesperson AND the seasoned veteran.  You can get all the details about this exciting new program at Sales Academy Logo-1

    Be sure to go to the Elite Sales Academy site right away because they’re running a Grand Opening special, and you can save $500 if you act now!!

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About the author, Kelly

Kelly Galea is a creative, multi-passionate entrepreneur and luminary blessed with a unique combination of wit, grit, intellect and intuition. She helps you navigate the work-life maze of ever-shifting priorities and transform your life through holistic self-discovery techniques and immersive, fun and magical mini-quests. Working with Kelly will inspire you to unveil, express and celebrate your vital personality and lifestyle preferences to create a more harmonious life.

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