The Theory of Awesomeness Infographic

Are you happy? Or will you be happy when …

Being happy in the now is something I practice every day. I was going to say “work on” but in reviewing the graphic below again, agree it is a practice. My challenge is finding that balance, because I am SO future oriented that I tend to blow right by the happiness of now! 

How about you? Are you living your life in a flow state? Or are you finding it a challenge to achieve a sense of balance that’s right for you? Share your thoughts & comments below, like this post & share the love with others.

Big thanks to MindValley Academy for sharing this infographic  based on Vishen Lakhiani’s speech, “Why Happiness is the New Productivity.” 

The Theory of Awesomeness Infographic

About the author, Kelly

Kelly Galea is a creative, multi-passionate entrepreneur and luminary blessed with a unique combination of wit, grit, intellect and intuition. She helps you navigate the work-life maze of ever-shifting priorities and transform your life through holistic self-discovery techniques and immersive, fun and magical mini-quests. Working with Kelly will inspire you to unveil, express and celebrate your vital personality and lifestyle preferences to create a more harmonious life.

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