Color & Energy Reading for the Week of July 1, 2024

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of July 1, 2024 To help us attune with all we know to be hallowed and sacred to our experiences of a vibrant life, we must allow time for stillness and reflection.   Color of the Week – Brave Purple Our color of the week, Brave Purple, is…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of January 22, 2024

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of January 22, 2024 Last week, we spoke about Allowing & Accepting rather than blocking and resisting, We also were encouraging accepting that you are capable and allowing yourself to co-create your most vibrant life. Now, you are thinking more about his, wondering what that means in…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of December 4, 2023

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of December 4, 2023 The essence of allowing yourself to be who you were Born to Be is centered in your soul’s knowingness of freedom. How far have you shifted from this knowingness? Realign yourself with this week’s energy and our theme: Born Free. This combines your…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of July 24, 2023

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of July 24, 2023 This week’s energy invites your surrender to the Spiritual Flow of your most vibrant life. It supports discovery of your optimal alignment in each area of your Kaleidoscope with  peace, ease and inner knowingness. Even if you only catch glimpses, once you’ve seen…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of May 8, 2023

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of May 8, 2023 If last week we were questioning what’s missing in terms of Feel Good vibrancy, this week we’re sensing. How best to touch in with the knowingness of your senses? Let Go & Know!  If what you are currently seeing in your life deceives…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of February 20, 2023

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of February 20, 2023 Rechannel your efforts, knowing this is your season! Turn, Turn, Turn toward: The Divine within Your definition of a vibrant, vital life Awareness of where you are now Acceptance of where you are now  Your life purpose and missions Thoughts in alignment with…

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December 2022 Color of the Month & Energy Reading

his month’s energy can be summed up in three words: Evaluate, Meditate, Postulate. Succinct, and our theme, too!  Wondering how this December 2022 forecast came to be? Our energy readings easily flow from a blend of several methods and practices I use nearly every single day, such as energy healing, Divine & angelic guidance and color…

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November 2022 Color of the Month & Energy Reading

As you likely know by now, when I first select colors to represent energy for the year, each month and week, I jot down impressions as they come in. I then revisit these impressions as I go deeper to channel our forecast content. This month, I took a slightly different approach. Wondering how this November 2022…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of October 24, 2022

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of October 24, 2022 Reenergizing from the center of your soul brings a seamless sense of what, how and when. Powering up your purpose, passions, path and pace feels easy and fun!   Color of the Week – Hubbard Squash Use our color of the week, Hubbard Squash,…

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