Color & Energy Reading for the Week of December 28, 2020

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of December 28, 2020  It’s a Flow Finale this week! Previous weeks have been leading up to our ultimate expressions and experiences of flow. The colors and energy of this month’s weekly readings have energized and inspired our growth, and the ways we have shifted and adjusted.…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of December 21, 2020

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of December 21, 2020  It was so fun channeling this month’s readings, as various phrases would pop in for each week’s energy. Now here’s this week’s: Feel Flow + Know Where to Go! Allow this energy to wash over you, invigorating you, helping you to know what’s…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of December 7, 2020

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of December 7, 2020  How might we shift and adjust to Grow & Flow in alignment with our most vivid and vibrant life visions? This week’s energy is all about Flex & Flow, allowing flexibility and adjustments to help you flow where you want to go. If…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of November 23, 2020

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of November 23, 2020  In celebrating and elevating the common good last week, we’ve helped shift collective consciousness. We’re going to feel more centered within, aligned with Spirit within ourselves  and without in our interactions with others. This week, let’s focus on peaceful prompts.   Color of…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of October 12, 2020

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of October 12, 2020  Whether you relate to one of the next two lines or not, it’s a week to connect to the flow, fun and good fortune of the Universe wherever you go! Trip the light fantastic Skip the light fandango  As we’re Tripping & Shifting…

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October 2020 Color of the Month & Energy Reading

We may be wondering — or avoiding! — what’s next after Scoping Solutions in September. Well, what good are solutions if we aren’t implementing them, opening our Kaleidoscopes and areas of our lives to align with our dreams?  Wondering how this October 2020 forecast came to be? Our energy readings easily flow from a blend of…

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September 2020 Color of the Month & Energy Reading

Life is more vivid and vibrant. You have clarity of vision, thought, energy and emotion. This is a great month for Scoping Solutions! Wondering how this September 2020 forecast came to be? Our energy readings easily flow from a blend of several methods and practices I use nearly every single day, such as energy healing, Divine…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of August 31, 2020

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of August 31, 2020  What have you found? Anomalies abound as you’ve opened to the Spontaneous Expression of your vibrant life. This is the week to consider anomalies and what they might be revealing to help shift in one or many areas of your life.  What do…

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August 2020 Color of the Month & Energy Reading

This month, you’ll be allowing spontaneity and joyful sensations in each area of your Kaleidoscope. Who, me? Yes, you! And before you panic, judge or roll your eyes, let’s investigate and explore this energy. Wondering how this August 2020 forecast came to be? Our energy readings easily flow from a blend of several methods and practices…

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