Color & Energy Reading for the Week of June 17, 2024

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of June 17, 2024 Don’t let the name of our color of the week fool you! The week’s energy is amenable to all that is in our Highest Good. It will help us devote ourselves to our immediate worlds, and the people, situations and experiences of importance…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of May 6, 2024

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of May 6, 2024 We spoke of appreciating the past and all its lessons. Let’s realize how we are now building upon experiences and lessons we’ll reflect back upon in the future!    What does this inspire you to do today and this week? What might you…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of April 1, 2024

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of April 1, 2024 Let’s start our Play with a Purpose theme and month with a focus on the Heart area of our Kaleidoscopes. Play will help us enhance our current relationships and may very well lead us to new friendships and connections. Our theme is Groove…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of February 19, 2024

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of February 19, 2024 This week’s energy invites embracing our most endearing, unique and admirable qualities. This means all of us! Acknowledging that which is within, plus those aspects of the beings around us. Rather than beat ourselves up over what we perceive we lack, let’s Spot…

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February 2024 Color of the Month & Energy Reading

Sometimes the month’s energy comes in loud and strong, as with February’s theme: Influential. It invites you to consider: What does “influence” mean to you? Wondering how this February 2024 forecast came to be? Our energy readings easily flow from a blend of several methods and practices I use nearly every single day, such as energy…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of November 27, 2023

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of November 27, 2023 This week’s energy is meant to put a point — or exclamation point! — on energy swirling about us, culminating from our month’s vibes and all the weeks leading up to this One. One Source from which we sprang. One Divine energy and…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of October 23, 2023

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of October 23, 2023 Our focus this week? Act II! Last week’s Intermission has you reenergized to command and realize your truest desires, in authentic, compassionate and immersive ways. This is especially true in the Heart area of your Kaleidoscope.  How might you powerfully co-create the vibrant…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of May 15, 2023

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of May 15, 2023 Our Feel Good energy thus far has taken us on an inner exploration, doing the inner work to help shift our outer experiences. This week’s energy brings outer exploration and interactions, with a simple focus: Go Be Kind. Our journey may begin in…

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Color & Energy Reading for the Week of April 17, 2023

Your Color & Energy Reading for the Week of April 17, 2023 We’re shifting focus to our Heart areas and relationships this week. How might we be more expressive and open in our relationships, starting with that which we have with ourselves? How might we align with more expressive friendships, partners and personas? How might…

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