How to Go From Breaking Even to Breaking Through

Last week, we talked about how to go from tired to inspired by clearing the clutter & making space for whatever it is you desire to enter your life and your business. I also shared some ways to go from striving to thriving – by getting clear about your target market & ideal client, setting up systems for success & having a blueprint or roadmap to help you get in the flow & stay in the flow.


Now let’s talk about going from breaking even to breaking through. This all starts with your money mindset. I hope you took the steps to clear the clutter physically, mentally, emotionally, and in your relationships & environment. This is the first thing that will help you make room to get focused so you can design your financial dream. We’ve also talked about getting clear on what you want for your business & your life – what are you feeling you want that you don’t currently have? Write these things down. A clear vision of what you want equates to a clear path to more money.


Next, take inventory of all the resources you have at your disposal. So many of us have such resources but we never tap into them or use them to our advantage. Resources include money, but also includes so much more like the people in your social & business networks, classes, workshops & training you’ve taken, services you offer that your clients may not be aware of, and business assets like your website or blog, marketing pieces and collateral.


Your most precious resources are your creativity, time and energy – so look for ways to stay in harmony to keep your energy up & your creativity flowing. This means letting go of things & activities that no longer serve you, that zap your time & energy, and simply aren’t making you money. Look at what others can do for you – it’s important to keep your focus on your vision of things you want for your life & your business. If you can buy yourself more time in your business, you’ll make more money.


Next, what opportunities can you think of that will bring in additional income? Look back at the list of what you want. Pick one. What specific things can you do to get it? How many client consultations would you have to do? How many packages or products would you need to sell? How many window treatments would you need to design? How many pieces would you need to commission? Pick one thing to focus on, then take action immediately to make it a reality.


As creative entrepreneurs and business owners, we want to be well-rewarded for our creative expression. Remember, you are being commissioned to create – so stop being a commodity, recognize your value and charge what you are worth. Go beyond breaking even to breaking through!

About the author, Kelly

Kelly Galea is a creative, multi-passionate entrepreneur and luminary blessed with a unique combination of wit, grit, intellect and intuition. She helps you navigate the work-life maze of ever-shifting priorities and transform your life through holistic self-discovery techniques and immersive, fun and magical mini-quests. Working with Kelly will inspire you to unveil, express and celebrate your vital personality and lifestyle preferences to create a more harmonious life.

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