Forecast for the Week of November 13, 2017
Your Forecast for the Week of November 13, 2017
You may feel drawn back into your own world today, and that’s just fine. While you’re there, reflect on your life adventure. Reflect on your Spirit of Adventure and how you have approached your life so far this year.
What interesting things have you learned about:
- yourself; your body, mind and soul?
- your path and purpose?
- your environment and relationships?
- your values, principles and objectives?
What have you discovered about your faith and beliefs?
Color of the Week – Exuberant Pink
As we’re in this month of Pleasure Play, how might our color of the week, Exuberant Pink, help you focus on what you find stimulating, electric, exciting and vibrant?
How might that inform how you approach your week?
Allow your quest for exuberance guide you to new places, people and situations. Trust your partner guide, Spirit (or the Universe) to help align you with the right places, people and situations.
Want to revisit our November forecast? Here you go:
A Note About Colors Specified
Colors selected to represent the energy of each month and each week of the year are Sherwin Williams colors. Their architectural and design palette has been my go-to for years. You’ll see the color here, along with the Sherwin Williams paint code plus the RGB and hex code equivalent values. This helps if you’d like to use these colors in your physical space, on your desktop or when visualizing results you’d like to see this month as you press play for pleasure.
Here’s to living a vibrant life!
Would you like to know even more about the energy, themes & possibilities for November? Check out our Kaleidoscope group – a Colorful Community where you’ll find Soul Satisfying Solutions, Self-Discovery Strategies AND Support. Join us as we take a deeper dive into the month, where we go week-by-week, with a “Round-up” discussion of all the month’s colors and energy. In addition, you’ll hear what you need to know based on your own personal color preferences. We also explore Angel messages & affirmations for additional inspiration & loving support, plus there’s plenty of open Q&A and group share time with me & our members. Click here to learn more & enjoy a sample of one of our group calls.