Weekly Color & Energy Reading for November 30, 2020

Color & Energy Reading for the Week of November 30 2020

Let’s call this week’s energy, “Circle of Friends & Family.” With our focus on our Heart area and relationships, let’s ask ourselves important questions to help enhance our interactions. Show Notes:  November’s theme: Grateful Good Color of the week: Ruby Shade Prefer to read? This week’s forecast, corresponding color and notes can be viewed on…

Weekly Color & Energy Reading for September 14, 2020

Color & Energy Reading for the Week of September 14 2020

Get ready to reinvigorate your relation­ships this week! Our color of the week can help inspire you to invent new ways to refresh and recharge relationships.  Show Notes: September’s theme: Scoping Solutions Color of the Week: Renwick Heather   Prefer to read? This week’s forecast, corresponding color and notes can be viewed on our blog: http://kellygalea.com/color-energy-reading-week-of-september-14-2020/

Weekly Color & Energy Reading for June 15, 2020

Color & Energy Reading for the Week of June 15 2020

If you didn’t get the message about last week’s energy loud & clear, you have another chance! Be open. And transparent … Show Notes: June’s theme: Evolution Color of the Week: Baroness   Prefer to read? This week’s forecast, corresponding color and notes can be viewed on our blog: http://kellygalea.com/color-energy-reading-week-of-june-15-2020/

Weekly Color & Energy Reading for June 8, 2020

Color & Energy Reading for the Week of June 8 2020

Our energy this week is helping us open up and continue in the area of evolving Heart and relationships. Show Notes: June’s theme: Evolution Color of the Week: Simple White   Prefer to read? This week’s forecast, corresponding color and notes can be viewed on our blog: http://kellygalea.com/color-energy-reading-week-of-june-8-2020/

Weekly Color & Energy Reading for June 1, 2020

Color & Energy Reading for the Week of June 1 2020

When I selected our color of the week, Constant Coral, the word “quarrel” popped in in order to help us navigate the week’s energy. That said, I have a few questions for you … Show Notes: June’s theme: Evolution Color of the Week: Constant Coral   Prefer to read? This week’s forecast, corresponding color and…

Weekly Color & Energy Reading for May 18, 2020

Forecast & Color for the Week of May 18, 2020

Our theme this month is Freedom & Release, and we’re going to enjoy new levels of freedom and release in our Heart and relationships this week. Use our color of the week to help release ties that bind (including energetic ties). Show Notes: May’s theme: Freedom & Release Color of the Week: Pink Shadow  …

Weekly Color & Energy Reading for May 11, 2020

Forecast & Color for the Week of May 11, 2020

Harmony and healing in your Heart and relationships is here for you this week. It has been a tumultuous time for many, and our relationships may have taken a hit. Heal your spirit with the warm color vibes of Copper Harbor. Let it help provide a safe harbor. Show Notes: May’s theme: Freedom & Release…

Forecast for the Week of March 2, 2020

Your Forecast for the Week of March 2, 2020 Among your Found Causes is something near and dear to your Heart. And you need help to pull it all together!  Show Notes: March’s theme: Found Causes Color of the Week: Rosebay   Prefer to read? This week’s forecast, corresponding color and notes can be viewed on…

Forecast for the week of January 27, 2020

Forecast & Color for the Week of January 27 2020

Your Forecast for the Week of January 27, 2020 We’re shifting and adapting, changing and transforming, and tightening up our windows of metamorphism.  This is encouraging us to switch things up as our openness has us more alert to new or modified ways.  Show Notes: January’s theme: Openness. Willingness. Surrender Color of the Week: Silken Peacock…