August 2019 Forecast

One word to describe this month’s energy? Expansive. Just as our Universe is ever expanding, so too is your Kaleido­scope and the areas of your life. 

Sometimes it can feel quite the opposite, especially when we feel constrained, stuck or trapped in one or many areas of our lives! So let’s bring the Expansive notion first to our awareness and thoughts. 


Your August 2019 Forecast

We can experience true freedom in our minds, regardless of our external circumstances or situations.

Have your own thoughts been keeping you stuck? If thoughts become things, which thoughts might feel better, more natural, more you? Have you given much thought lately to what you desire? Which thoughts would help you shift to your desired view Through the Kaleidoscope?

Whenever this topic of expansiveness arises, I always think back to Wayne Dyer’s The Power of Intention. Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change. The all-creating Universal mind of intention is creative, kind, loving, beautiful, expanding, abundant and receptive.

This month, let’s look to the Power of Intention for inspiration.

  • How might you become more aware of Expansive, loving, creative Universal energy?
  • How might you more easily tap into this invisible field of energy?
  • How might you get out of your own way to more readily allow this energy and just be?
  • How might you let your feelings guide you to help determine what you now want and what you don’t?
  • How might you define and enhance your standards for all you’ll be, do and have?


Color of the Month - August 2019Color of the Month – Crushed Ice


Spend time this month to become more aware of — and  centered in — Expansive, intentional energy. Use our color of the month, Crushed Ice, to help know and better define what you truly want and need. This hue can also help you to see new or different ways to do things and shift towards your desired view Through the Kaleidoscope.

I like the analogy between crushed ice and our Expansive theme, too. Perhaps this will help you visualize and connect with Expansive thoughts in August. What’s the advantage of crushed ice over cube-shaped ice? It has more surface area and can chill drinks more quickly. What can your “crushed ice” thoughts and awareness do for you? Usher in abundant, Expansive energy and manifestation more quickly!


A Note About Colors Specified

Colors selected to represent the energy of each month and each week of the year are Sherwin Williams colors. Their architectural and design palette has been my go-to for years! You see the color above, along with the Sherwin Williams paint code plus the RGB and hex code equivalent values. This helps if you’d like to use our colors in your physical spaces or on your digital screens, as you visualize and connect with the Expansive.

Here’s to living a vibrant life!


About the author, Kelly

Kelly Galea is a creative, multi-passionate entrepreneur and luminary blessed with a unique combination of wit, grit, intellect and intuition. She helps you navigate the work-life maze of ever-shifting priorities and transform your life through holistic self-discovery techniques and immersive, fun and magical mini-quests. Working with Kelly will inspire you to unveil, express and celebrate your vital personality and lifestyle preferences to create a more harmonious life.

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