How to Forgive the Unforgivable

Find Your Friggin Joy coverJoin host Kelly Galea and her guest Belinda Farrell for this conversation about forgiveness.

Forgiveness is often misinterpreted. We cannot change the past or what happened to us. But we can change the meaning we give it. Learn the real meaning of “forgiveness,” which is based on an ancient Relationship Resolution Process called “Ho’oponopono.”

Experience the freedom of self-forgiveness once and for all, and with that freedom, live a life unshackled to negativity, the past or limitations!


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About our Guest
Belinda Farrell
Belinda Farrell, author of the book Find Your Friggin’ Joy, graduated with a BA in Spanish and English from the University of California at Berkeley and is trained in hypnotherapy, past life regression, NLP, Hawaiian chanting, and ancient Hawaiian healing (Huna). Belinda trained with Anthony Robbins (author of Unlimited Power) and has effectively used these skills in her own life. She has completed 18 firewalks.

When Belinda was forty-eight, she collapsed with herniated discs and spinal nerve damage. Threatened with paralysis by her medical doctors if she didn’t have surgery, Belinda instead chose to apply the ancient Hawaiian healing practices she had been learning the previous three years, which are covered in this book. Her back completely healed, including childhood scoliosis. For fifteen years she has been sharing these healing practices with others, offering Reconnective Healing and Huna classes and taking clients to Hawaii to teach Huna and swim with wild spinner dolphins.

For more information about Belinda Farrell:


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Show Resources

  • Find Your Friggin Joy coverLearn how to find your friggin’ joy despite what life throws at you!
    Check out Belinda’s book, Find Your Friggin’ Joy, and discover missing links from ancient Hawaiian teachings to clean the plaque of your soul and reach your higher self.
  • Interested in learning more about the CDs Belinda mentioned during our show, including the Chant & Forgiveness CD? Click here to visit her online store. chant_forgive

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About the author, Kelly

Kelly Galea is a creative, multi-passionate entrepreneur and luminary blessed with a unique combination of wit, grit, intellect and intuition. She helps you navigate the work-life maze of ever-shifting priorities and transform your life through holistic self-discovery techniques and immersive, fun and magical mini-quests. Working with Kelly will inspire you to unveil, express and celebrate your vital personality and lifestyle preferences to create a more harmonious life.

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