TGI Every day

TGI Every dayAhhhh, Friday! At the threshold of another weekend!!

I love the loose feeling of Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays. Even though I left the corporate world behind 8 years ago, breaking out of the weekday vs. weekend mindset can still take some getting used to. I’ve suggested to my husband that we should make our own “weekend” days, since he has some flexibility with his schedule as well. Hasn’t happened yet, but I’ve found a schedule that works for me and know it’s just a matter of time until things shift to line up both our timelines.


No matter what day of the week it is, I really enjoy the solitude of the morning. It’s quiet, I can read & journal or meditate with minimal interruptions. The coffee is warm & delicious. My mind is a sponge taking in words, images, sensations, tastes & aromas. It’s a fine line between sensory overload & stimulating awareness, and what makes the difference is simply releasing into it, floating downstream rather than pushing, directing, and paddling against the current.

It’s so wonderful to be in that place, but the moment I think that thought the flood of other thoughts rushes in and takes me out of the flow. What time is it? I think I’ll do some laundry today to free up time another day. Our home could use some tidying up (with a dog & 2 cats, that’s a given. How long will it take to sweep up the latest dirt & leaves they have brought in?). The pets look hungry again, someone needs to go outside … on & on the thoughts go, creating to-do lists a mile long.

So I give into it, clean up the kitchen, start some laundry, etc.  — all the while feeling connected.


Yes, the law of connection is at work again today, reminding me to connect with myself; connect to whatever activity I’m engaged in; connect with family through conversations, phone calls, text messages; connect with pets while providing care & play time; connect with our closest friends at our weekly “neighbor dinner” & celebrate a birthday; connect with others near & far through these words.

So far I’ve connected with thankfulness, the beauty around me, the snowy white & wispy soft fur of affectionate cats, the warmth of a snuggly dog, the satisfaction of just enough caffeine, the nutrition of a delicious smoothie, the appreciation of my husband’s latest hair cut, the sound of my mother’s voice, the personality of my sister’s texts. As I book a flight to visit my family in Michigan, I connect with the excitement of seeing everyone PLUS absolute gratitude for having a freedom-based business & lifestyle. I’m deeply rooted in & connected with freedom, flexibility & fun! TGIF has truly evolved to TGI every day.


How about you? How will you connect today? To yourself, to your work, to others?


About the author, Kelly

Kelly Galea is a creative, multi-passionate entrepreneur and luminary blessed with a unique combination of wit, grit, intellect and intuition. She helps you navigate the work-life maze of ever-shifting priorities and transform your life through holistic self-discovery techniques and immersive, fun and magical mini-quests. Working with Kelly will inspire you to unveil, express and celebrate your vital personality and lifestyle preferences to create a more harmonious life.


  1. Lisa Mallis on 07/26/2013 at 1:18 PM

    Hi Kelly!
    Love your post! I have just started to create a morning routine focused on being connected more. I’m watching a mind movie, listening to some meditation, and allowing my brain to be quiet! I’m early in the process (day 4!) but am really excited about this new approach!
    Thanks for sharing your routine – and inspiring me to keep going at mine!

    • Kelly Galea on 07/27/2013 at 10:26 AM

      Have fun playing with your new morning routine, Lisa! I enjoy mind movies as well. Mixing things up to create that precious quiet time is so important.

  2. Penny McDaniel on 07/26/2013 at 10:59 AM

    Ah, wonderful post, Kelly. Every day is Saturday for me. I love the peacefulness of mornings. I awake giving gratitude for all that I have and for those things on their way to me. I take in the beauty of my garden while I enjoy a cup of freshly brewed Oolong tea while listening to the birds expressing their pure little spirits in song. Today I will take my parents out to lunch and spend time with them and then spend my evening with good friends. Here’s to a great day and weekend!

    • Kelly Galea on 07/26/2013 at 11:11 AM

      Penny – It sounds like we have similar morning rituals. What a way to start each & every day! Enjoy your time with your parents & friends today. A big yes! to a great day & weekend.

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