Reduce Your Toxin Exposure and Balance Your Hormones

Here are 10 guidelines to help keep your hormones in balance, courtesy of our next Power Up Living show guest, Dr. Kristy Vermeulen, ND. Tune in Wednesday as Dr. Kristy & I discuss what’s “normal” from a hormonal perspective. Click here to learn more about this episode, “No, it’s Not a Normal Part of Aging.” ~KG

By Dr. Kristy Vermeulen, ND

Optimal health includes keeping the intricate state of our hormones in balance.  Many dietary choices and chemicals in our environment today act to mimic estrogen and disrupt different hormone pathways leading to an overall hormone imbalance. These hormonal imbalances can influence conditions such as fibrocystic breast disease, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, irregular menstrual cycles, PMS, infertility and many more.

Here are some basic guidelines to reduce your toxin exposure and balance your hormones:

1.  Eliminate sugar, white flour and refined or processed carbohydrates.

  • This means avoiding anything that comes in a package or box. These processed goods increase sugar which then is converted into hormonally active fat. Increased sugar levels lead to blood sugar imbalance which can eventually turn into diabetes if not corrected.veggies

2.  Increase fiber in the diet through whole grains, beans, legumes and fruits and vegetables.

  • Fiber helps us bind up and eliminate any unwanted toxins, excess hormones as well as cholesterol.

3.  Reduce meat and poultry intake to 2 times per week and increase servings of fish and vegetables.

  • Many meat and poultry products are loaded with hormones, antibiotics and colorings. All of these can disrupt our body’s normal functioning leading to hormonal imbalances, increased toxicity and even altered immune function. For the 2 days you do eat meat, make sure it is organic, hormone free, antibiotic free.
  • Eat fish with the lowest amounts of mercury. Basically the smaller the fish the better.

4.  Reduce or eliminate caffeine and alcohol.

  • Both of these hinder the ability of the liver to eliminate toxins and excess hormones from the body.

5.  Choose organic to reduce exposure to toxic pesticides like DDT, PCB, PCP, chlordane that can mimic hormones in the body.

  • This includes meats and other animal products as well as fruits and veggies. If you’re interested in knowing what fruits are veggies are commonly sprayed click here.

6.  Reduce toxic exposure in your home by purchasing non-toxic cleaning products, dish soap, laundry detergents, carpet cleaner, plant food, etc.

  • Conventional cleaning supplies are incredibly toxic. Check out Environmental Working Group to find out just how toxic your supplies are as well what brands carry non-toxic alternatives.

7.  Avoid consuming food/drinks in soft plastic containers. And never heat food in plastic.

  • Plastic contains PVC’s that mimic estrogen in the body leading to increased symptoms of PMS, ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids, increased breast growth and more.

8.  Choose personal care products without a lot of preservatives/dyes/chemicals such as methyl paraben.

  • A good rule of thumb is if you can’t pronounce an ingredient you probably shouldn’t be putting it on your skin. Check out how toxic your body care products are at the Environmental Working Group. EWG also lists the safer alternatives.

9.  Purchase a Hepa Air Filter for your home to remove harmful chemicals floating around in the air.

  • Paint, carpets, cleaning supplies, air fresheners and furniture contain many harmful chemicals that are slowly released into the air. A Hepa Air Filter will remove many of these harmful chemicals and reduce your exposure.

10.  Have fun. Every process in our body works better when we are having fun and not worrying about the stress of the day.

  • By doing something you enjoy everyday your detox pathways will be running smoothly and your hormones will return to balance much sooner.


About the Author

KristyVermeulenHighRes01Dr. Kristy is a internationally recognized Naturopathic Doctor with an expertise in hormonal balancing. She has worked around the world with private practices in Europe and the United States. She is the author of the new book, Happy Hormones, which can be found on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and in many more book stores around the world.

Her approach to hormone balancing provides new insight into the field of integrative endocrinology by combining leading-edge science with advanced natural therapies in her practice, lectures and writings.

She helps hundreds of women overcome symptoms of hormone imbalance including PMS, low libido, fatigue, irritability, brain fog, weight gain and symptoms of menopause. She currently practices in San Francisco, CA.

About the author, Kelly

Kelly Galea is a creative, multi-passionate entrepreneur and luminary blessed with a unique combination of wit, grit, intellect and intuition. She helps you navigate the work-life maze of ever-shifting priorities and transform your life through holistic self-discovery techniques and immersive, fun and magical mini-quests. Working with Kelly will inspire you to unveil, express and celebrate your vital personality and lifestyle preferences to create a more harmonious life.

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